A transformed tomorrow is built by the coaches of today.

"I didn't know what I was missing until I was in that environment, and I said, 'Wow, this feels like a place where I belong.'"
Allan Howard ll
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"It has really transformed not only my life but also my business and my clients’ lives."
Amba Kahly Su Ka
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"I’ve been able to live and do something that I’m absolutely passionate about and it feels purposeful for me, doing this every single day."
Caryn White
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"Everyone in the Jay Shetty Certification School shares one similar mindset which is to serve."
Sugasini Leela Sivarathnam
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"My life now as a coach has so much more meaning and substance and is so much more gratifying than it used to be before."
Carmen Alonso
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"The Jay Shetty Certification School is not just a school. It’s more than a community. It’s a family."
Helen Nicola
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"I am truly most proud of who I’ve become as a woman, a mother, a daughter, and a partner. This will be my legacy."
Jamie LePow
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"I love being a coach and it feels so purposeful to make a difference in other people's lives."
Lea Weiss
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"The supervisors, the coaches, the content of the course … it blows your mind! It is a journey of growth in every way."
Sarah Hopkins
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"The level of education and support is second-to-none, and the community of coaches is genuinely remarkable."
Randy Belham
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"This amazing program will transform the relationships you have with others. But more importantly, the relationship you have with yourself."
Chris Josue
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"On a professional level, I finally found my passion and my purpose."
Swarna Rautiainen
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"Of all the people, I was the one who benefited the most, the program itself gave me an opportunity to truly go deep within."
Devinder Maan
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"I knew I was destined for more. I knew I wanted more … like there has to be more to life than this."
Katie Kelsberg

"My experience in Jay’s school was about connection—connection with the whole world. Like-minded people, open people, just sharing their passion."
Elham Toranjiyan
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"It resonated very much with my values, with my principle, with my vision. So it was clear for me."
Simin Sobhani
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"The team is amazing from coaches to that army behind the scene that supports and they keep on improving and getting better."
Soha Chami
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"It’s like I’m having friends, brothers, and sisters, all around the world. I feel very glad and lucky being part of this group."
Kerry Gousidou
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"It's amazing because I always believe that once you take an action towards your dreams, the universe just makes it work for you."
Rita Ikhouane
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"They are best-in-class mentors and teachers… I always walked away with, like, notes—pages and pages."
Sunali Pasha
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"I wasn't living my life purpose, and now I've found it, and I'm taking action. I'm just so happy. I just can't believe it."
Rose Situ
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"A solid foundation of fundamentals and framework to help you discover and develop your unique gift, your unique talent, and your unique voice."
Shawn Christian
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"The way I see life right now is that I live it as if it’s my last day."
Sara Al Zadjali
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"The greatest compliment coming out of this program is encountering people that you meet and they don’t really recognize who you are anymore."
Zach Chandler
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"If I’m going through anything, like anything business-related or personally, I can always reach out and they still support me in this."
Nicole Jonsson
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"It's very inspiring when you meet so many people at one setting who are like-minded and who are willing to help you."
Rakshitha Jagadish
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"I have started creating and getting that more self-awareness in my life, and my relationship has changed. How, now, I'm reacting less; I'm listening more."
Prina Shah
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"I have found my purpose. I have found my sense of worth. I have found my voice … I have found me."
Neffeteria Williams
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"When I'm relating and communicating to friends and family, I notice a difference in the way I communicate with them."
Maria Castro
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"The school gave me the confidence to go ahead and verbalize and express my true feelings and my thoughts."
Lizette Guerra
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"You will be in a safe environment where everyone wants to see you succeed and no one judges you for making mistakes."
Lois Jou-Yu Yeh
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"I truly believe that we can all change 1 billion lives with Jay Shetty and his team."
Mital Patel
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"You will find focus, you will find community, you will find mentorship, you will find friendship and you may find your future and purpose."
Lindsay Sutherland Boal
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"It felt like a rebirth. It felt like hope … It felt like this was going to be the beginning of the rest of my life."
Lorena Garfi
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"All the teachers, the supervisors, the support team–everyone–is like the best of the best."
Artee Vedula
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"Keep listening to Jay … once you follow the right people and listen to yourself, I mean, there's nowhere wrong you could go."
Cara Brzezicki
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"Ever since I am a full time coach … life has been very different. The stress and the pressure has gone down from 9-to-5 job."
Kamaljeet Kaur
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"Every single member of this team working in this certification school is dedicated to helping, to really offering help and support."
Gina Christina Suenert
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"If you really want to dive deeper into purpose-driven business, it’s the place to be."
Frida Bruhn
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"It was like the first time I made a decision that just felt right and I didn't have to ask anybody."
Ana Nenadic
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"I love what I do and get to help transform people's lives. I feel like I’m meant to be doing this."
Anthony Ikin
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

Chris Josue
"This amazing program will transform the relationships you have with others. But more importantly, the relationship you have with yourself."

Swarna Rautiainen
"On a professional level, I finally found my passion and my purpose."

Devinder Maan
"Of all the people, I was the one who benefited the most, the program itself gave me an opportunity to truly go deep within."

Katie Kelsberg
"I knew I was destined for more. I knew I wanted more … like there has to be more to life than this."

Elham Toranjiyan
"My experience in Jay’s school was about connection—connection with the whole world. Like-minded people, open people, just sharing their passion."

Simin Sobhani
"It resonated very much with my values, with my principle, with my vision. So it was clear for me."

Soha Chami
"The team is amazing from coaches to that army behind the scene that supports and they keep on improving and getting better."

"It’s like I’m having friends, brothers, and sisters, all around the world. I feel very glad and lucky being part of this group."
Kerry Gousidou
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"It's amazing because I always believe that once you take an action towards your dreams, the universe just makes it work for you."
Rita Ikhouane
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

Sunali Pasha
"They are best-in-class mentors and teachers… I always walked away with, like, notes—pages and pages."

Rose Situ
"I wasn't living my life purpose, and now I've found it, and I'm taking action. I'm just so happy. I just can't believe it."

Shawn Christian
"A solid foundation of fundamentals and framework to help you discover and develop your unique gift, your unique talent, and your unique voice."

Sara Al Zadjali
"The way I see life right now is that I live it as if it’s my last day."

Zach Chandler
"The greatest compliment coming out of this program is encountering people that you meet and they don’t really recognize who you are anymore."

Nicole Jonsson
"If I’m going through anything, like anything business-related or personally, I can always reach out and they still support me in this."

Rakshitha Jagadish
"It's very inspiring when you meet so many people at one setting who are like-minded and who are willing to help you."

"I have started creating and getting that more self-awareness in my life, and my relationship has changed. How, now, I'm reacting less; I'm listening more."
Prina Shah
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"I have found my purpose. I have found my sense of worth. I have found my voice … I have found me."
Neffeteria Williams
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

Maria Castro
"When I'm relating and communicating to friends and family, I notice a difference in the way I communicate with them."

Lizette Guerra
"The school gave me the confidence to go ahead and verbalize and express my true feelings and my thoughts."

Lois Jou-Yu Yeh
"You will be in a safe environment where everyone wants to see you succeed and no one judges you for making mistakes."

Mital Patel
"I truly believe that we can all change 1 billion lives with Jay Shetty and his team."

Lindsay Sutherland Boal
"You will find focus, you will find community, you will find mentorship, you will find friendship and you may find your future and purpose."

Lorena Garfi
"It felt like a rebirth. It felt like hope … It felt like this was going to be the beginning of the rest of my life."

Artee Vedula
"All the teachers, the supervisors, the support team–everyone–is like the best of the best."

"Keep listening to Jay … once you follow the right people and listen to yourself, I mean, there's nowhere wrong you could go."
Cara Brzezicki
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

"Ever since I am a full time coach … life has been very different. The stress and the pressure has gone down from 9-to-5 job."
Kamaljeet Kaur
Jay Shetty Certified Coach

Gina Christina Suenert
"Every single member of this team working in this certification school is dedicated to helping, to really offering help and support."

Frida Bruhn
"If you really want to dive deeper into purpose-driven business, it’s the place to be."

Ana Nenadic
"It was like the first time I made a decision that just felt right and I didn't have to ask anybody."

Anthony Ikin
"I love what I do and get to help transform people's lives. I feel like I’m meant to be doing this."
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