Miranda Murdock
Self-Doubt and Empowerment Coach
Miranda is a certified Self-Doubt and Empowerment coach and published author of Roots of an Oak: The strength of who you are is grown underground.
She also founded an annual nonprofit race called Breaking the Silence of Sexual Abuse 5K 10K. In 2021, she was nominated as ‘Woman of Distinction” in a local magazine.
Those are things that she’s done with her passion to help people who feel stuck in a life that doesn’t feel like it belongs. She has four children and is married― but what you really want to know is if she can understand how to help you. Am I right? Have you ever been to a nutrition class that was taught by someone who didn't seem to practice healthy habits for themselves? Or a personal trainer that doesn't look like they work out? It's hard to believe in their direction or tools when it doesn't seem to be something that has worked for them, something that they believe in for themselves. And for hard, real change, at the very least- you need to believe it's yours for the taking. That it is possible.
She believes overcoming ourselves is possible. She believes in what she does, not only because she was taught these tools and understanding through Jay Shetty Life Coach Certification, but also because she’s been there. She’s been alone, bullied and sexually abused as a child, ashamed, divorced, and trapped in the "underground" places of life. She minimized who she was and what she was capable of. She was so tired of being half alive. Tired of staying down but she was too scared to let herself be any different than what she was. She started taking the steps that she now coaches people through, she started to break through her own limiting beliefs and found tremendous freedom, a freedom that is waiting for everyone who feels like there’s something missing in their life. We are equipped for more; it just needs to be tapped in to. Everything that you need is truly already inside of you. In today's disconnected world and social media pressures, it's even harder to connect to who you are. Through one-hour sessions of 1 on 1 coaching, Miranda’s clients have found their way out of places they've been stuck in for years. They've taken new unsure paths, and after a few sessions, discovered that they had their answers inside of them all along to now walk confidently in that direction. The sessions will have tools and daily habit changes to ensure results can be applied in their future "stuck" places. They reach goals they never believed they could. They were able to be heard, most importantly, by their own ears.